'Tales In Tamil Provides users about the current trends,New information,Unknown Facts & Entertaing Vlogs Tales In Tamil Is a new start up channel in 16-05-2020,it provides viewers interesting Information,Unknown Facts ,Positive Vibes and Entertaining Vlogs.Tales In Tamil is encouraging the promotion but the channel wont be responsible to any discomfort caused to the consumers. In this video i try out some variety of Burma food ,This is my first food review , do support feedbacks are also welcomed for improvement Black N Bowl location:Black N Bowl Poonamallee - Avadi High Rd, Govardanagiri, Selva Nagar, Avadi, Tamil Nadu 600071 096771 53357 https://goo.gl/maps/gvRw4fU9qzTCDFsQ6 connect at: [email protected] insta id: https://instagram.com/tales_in_tamil?igshid=z6cubzv8ccla Special Thanks To: Friends and Families do Subscribe keep supporting'
Tags: Tamil , vlogs , chennai , food review , avadi , irfans view , madras samayal , egg masala , inida , atho , burma food , steffi , bejo , Pimpom Lifestyle , tales in tamil , egg atho , north chennai , tit , moinga , Anegan , AATHO , YOUTUBETAMIL , BLACK N BOWL , NANBAN MOVIE TAMIL , MR OOR PORIKI , STUDENTSCANCREATE , Avadi lake park
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